Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Intro duc tion

I really like the idea of space. Not just stars and planets but the incalculably great three-dimensional realm in which all material objects are located and all events occur. Because contrary to popular belief, space is not just an empty area. It is the area in which everything is and was and will be. It is an area in which molecules are bouncing off each other at rates that are almost impossible to calculate. Everything is happening in space. At first thought space needs to be filled. There is nothing to be discussed about "Empty Space". For the sake of bringing a metaphor into this, (even though I hate far fetched metaphors.) Writing is like space. At first thought, writing is unnecessary. It is a past time or something you do if you get bored. Like space it is quite misunderstood. For most people, to write is to make sense of our chaotic world. The meaning that writing has to it's writer is impossible to calculate. At least this is why I write. I write because there is something more to it. Weather it is seen or unseen it is all more important to me than someone could understand. I write for myself. This is the first time I've ever shared my writing  with others. I'm terrified because honestly I don't like what I write. Most of the time reread my work and want to delete or erase it or throw it away, but I can't because it would be like throwing away a part of me. It is mine. It is the place where I am and was and will be.


  1. I like what you said when you said you write for you but have never shared it with others until now. I'm the same way. And i completely agree that throwing it away is like throwing away a part of you. Because that's exactly what it is; a part of you and how you feel and how you express yourself. Sometimes it's nice and makes people happy. But other times it can be rude and offensive but I feel you just have to go with it because it's your real feelings and thoughts. I mean why should we change ourselves for other people?

    1. Thank you! We should be friends.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. I think being friends would be quite alright. Quite alright indeed.
