Sunday, November 24, 2013

How to crush me.

Tell me your taking me to the moon and don't.
Tell me my art is kind of alright. 
Tell me I can't drive again because i'm not safe.
Tell me I don't know what i'm talking about. (and I swear i'll punch you in the face.)
Tell me what i'm feeling is just to get attention. (so what if it is. Give me some attention.)
Tell me I'm not good at that just to cause contention. 

I know I can't sing but on the occasion that I try please don't ruin that for me because it's rare. 

Don't invite me to hipster dance parties because you know how much I love those. 
Don't laugh at that last line. 
(Actually do because it's such a joke.)
Don't give me chocolate chip cookies when i'm sick. 
Don't come over when my boots are heavy. 
Don't write me a poem. Really don't because I know you don't mean it. 

Interrupt me when my mind is racing. 
Tell me you've bought a star for me and then you didn't. 
Tell me you'd travel far for me but you won't.

Run me through a crushing machine. 


  1. "Tell me my art is kind of alright.

    Tell me I'm not good at that just to cause contention.

    Run me through a crushing machine."

    These are still echoing in my head. Well done.

    And the fact you love the word facade too. mmmmm yes.

  2. Run me through a crushing machine.

    Yes. YES. That line worked well while still making me laugh. Dope.

  3. Damn.

    I don't even know what else to say...this kinda blew my freaking mind.
