Monday, October 21, 2013

Reason's why it's hard for me to blog.

1. Devastated daisy. 
2. Sky trillion. 
3. Alice Island 
4. Tera, Caden, Braxton, Bonnie, Gabbie, Dasha, Wesley   (and all the other kids in our class that aren't afraid of anything and wouldn't be caught dead in the south east most part of the school. I know that's a big assumption but correct me if i'm wrong.)
5. Yes I care what others think. 
6. Anxiety. 
7. I can't stop thinking about the weather. 
8. If i were an animal I would be a sloth with the IQ of 30. you probably can't calculate how slow that is. 
9. I just wan't to go out side. 
10. ya i'm going outside.


  1. Ok this is one of my favorite posts! And those are some of the reasons that I have a hard time blogging as well. But honestly your blog is amazing you are awesome! So you need not worry. But I would never have thought of being a sloth......that's new...I like it!!

  2. Haha amen to all these reasons. Number 4 made me laugh so hard

  3. 8. If i were an animal I would be a sloth with the IQ of 30. you probably can't calculate how slow that is.
    hahaha too funny. Loved it.

  4. I love this post so there is that. keep up the good work

  5. hahah "won't go outside'

    and number 4? so funny and true. dying.

  6. Wow. Amen to a million of those.
    Sky Trillion scares me too.
    #4 though...funnyyy

  7. hahaha number 4 though. someone needs to control those kids.

  8. I've spent over 45 seconds thinking about where the south east corner of the school is

    and why those kids won't go there.

    1. The only part of school where no one is safe, yet everyone is safe.
      So basically your classroom, in a larger/ different area of the school and run by students.

  9. Hahaha!! Love this! Number 4 killed me!! One day they will grow out of it.
