Thursday, January 9, 2014

I Was Going To Write a Poem (real talk)

I was going to write a poem but it has all been written for me.

The tight kid with the daddy issues wrote it for me

The theater kid that may or may not smoke pot, the jock that wants to love and the girl that occasionally dyes her hair red,

They all wrote it for me.

And your happy pictures...

How did you know that's exactly what I wish I could say?

To the kid that sits in front of us that no one knew the name of,  how did you know that's exactly how I don't want to feel?

And I was going to write a poem about me but I ended up writing a poem about her writing a poem about him because it reminded me of you.

I was going to write a poem but the not really English teacher that's more like a life changer wrote it for me.

Or should I say us.

Because I've come to the conclusion that I was under the illusion that I had something to write about, different from you.

To talk about, different from you.

To be something you won't
To say things that you don't.

But WE said it.

I'll see you all in art school.

I'll see you in business school.